Impact Story

Kaiya Sanks


Kaiya Sanks is a 10th grader who attends Carver High School. She is involved with her school’s dance team and once she graduates high school, she plans to attend a 2-year-college and eventually plans to become a social worker. Kaiya stated, “I really want to help people and especially kids.” Kaiya’s grandmother is currently raising her and feels that Girl Inc. is a great place to have mentorship and social emotional support.  


She has been attending for the past three years. Kaiya was introduced to Girls Inc. by way of the Eureka program. The Eureka Program is a year-round, five year STEM intensive program that engages and empowers 8th and 12th grade girls as they develop confidence and discover leadership and academic opportunities in STEM fields. When asked what inspired her to join the program Kaiya stated

I enjoy math and science and it sounded like a really good program for me to get out of the house for the summer.

Like many Girls Inc. girls, Kaiya shared that her most memorable moment at Girls Inc. was her first day at the center three years old. She said when she first came to the center she didn’t know anyone and sat by herself until one of the other Girls Inc. girls came and invited Kaiya to come and sit with her. Kaiya stated that her and her very first friends at Girls Inc. are still friends to this day. 

“Girls Inc. is a really good place to learn and it teaches you a lot.”